Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Health Tips for February 19

Health Tip: Understanding Astigmatism

Astigmatism involves distorted vision due to an abnormal curve in the eye's cornea. It's a very common condition, and is usually present at birth.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine offers this additional information:

* Astigmatism often occurs alongside other eye conditions, including nearsightedness or farsightedness.
* It is unclear what causes astigmatism.
* Astigmatism can be diagnosed at a regular eye exam.
* Hard contact lenses or glasses can correct vision problems in people with astigmatism, but soft contact lenses generally don't work as well.

Health Tip: Grinding Your Teeth?

Frequent grinding of the teeth is a condition known as bruxism. Depending on severity, it could cause anything from pain and discomfort to fractures of the teeth.

Here's more information about bruxism, courtesy of the American Dental Association:

* Bruxism may involve clenching of the jaw as well as tooth grinding.
* Triggers may include stress, sleep problems, crooked or missing teeth, or anxiety.
* Symptoms can include headache, painful teeth and a sore jaw.
* Preventives may include a mouth guard to wear during sleep, muscle relaxants, and counseling to deal with stress.

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