Saturday, February 02, 2008

Health Tips for February 2

Happy Groundhog Day!

Health Tip: Experience Grief as a Healthy Emotion

Grief is a normal, healthy emotion experienced when a person has a significant loss, such as the death of someone close, or even the end of a relationship.

The American Academy of Family Physicians lists these common symptoms of grief:

* Numbness, shock and denial are common initially.
* Feelings of abandonment may occur once reality has set in.
* Anger -- directed at the person who is gone, yourself, others and even religion -- is common.
* Temporary depression and guilt may set in once the grieving person realizes what the loss means.
* Thinking frequently about the person and reliving memories are normal reactions, as well.
* Little by little, you should begin to feel better. Eventually, you should begin to focus on resuming relationships and activities. It's not uncommon to initially feel "disloyal" to someone as you start to move on.

Health Tip: Boys and Body Image

Teen girls aren't the only ones who dwell on how their bodies look.

Here are suggestions to help teen boys deal with body image issues, provided by the Nemours Foundation:

* Recognize the positive aspects of your body, rather than focusing on your weaknesses.
* Understand that your body doesn't always define how well you perform an activity or play a certain sport.
* Start exercising and weight training to gain confidence in yourself and your body.
* Treat your body well by avoiding smoking, drugs and alcohol. Also take pride in your physical appearance and hygiene.
* Be proud of who you are. Don't try to make yourself someone you aren't.

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