Sunday, January 13, 2008

Health Tips for January 13

Health Tip: Swollen Gums Can Signal Poor Health

Swollen gums are a symptom of problems ranging from poor hygiene to a serious health problem such as lack of vitamin C (scurvy). If you discover that you have swollen gums, speak to your doctor or dentist about determining a cause.

Here are possible explanations for swollen gums, courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine:

* Viral or fungal infection.
* Gingivitis.
* Ill-fitting dentures.
* Reaction or sensitivity to toothpaste or mouthwash.
* Side effect of medications.
* Poor nutrition or malnourishment.
* Scurvy.
* Pregnancy.

Health Tip: Sterilize Your Child's Toys

Children's toys can harbor plenty of bacteria and viruses. To reduce the spread of illness, children's toys should be regularly disinfected.

To disinfect washable, color-safe toys, the Mississippi Department of Health says you should wash them thoroughly in warm, soapy water. Then fully rinse the toys of the soap-and-water solution.

Next, soak the toys for five minutes in a solution of 3/4 of bleach diluted in one gallon of water. Be sure to rinse the toys thoroughly, then dry.

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