Saturday, September 29, 2007

Health Tips for September 29

Health Tip: Understanding Fever Blisters

Fever blisters, sometimes called cold sores, are small blisters that occur on the lips or in or around the mouth. The sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, and can be very painful.

Here are some facts and suggestions about fever blisters, courtesy of the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery:

* The dormant fever blister virus can be made active by stress, the sun, fever, hormonal changes or trauma.
* The virus is very contagious, and can be easily spread to other areas of the body, and from person to person.
* To reduce the risk of spreading the virus, avoid touching or picking at a blister, and avoid touching other people or other parts of your body until you wash your hands thoroughly.
* Fever blisters tend to recur, often in the same place.
* The virus can be spread even when there are no blisters present.
* While there is no cure for the virus, antiviral ointment applied to a sore can help hide its appearance.

Health Tip: Even Babies Can Have Foot Problems

New parents are understandably concerned about the health of their baby. But while worrying about hearing, eyesight and other things, they might forget the feet.

The American Podiatric Medical Association warns that foot problems that flare up in adults often start in infancy.

The association says parents should report anything suspicious to the family doctor. To maintain healthy feet, parents should make sure blankets are loose and allow the baby to kick. Also, be sure to change the baby's position often because lying too long in one position can strain the legs and feet.

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