Friday, September 21, 2007

Health Tips for September 21

Health Tip: Understanding Glaucoma

Glaucoma occurs when pressure builds up in the eye from excess fluid. Early detection and treatment can preserve eyesight, but there is no cure for the disease once it has progressed.

Here is important information about glaucoma, courtesy of the American Foundation for the Blind:

* Glaucoma can trigger loss of peripheral vision, which impairs the ability to move about safely and independently.
* Among blacks, glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness.
* Glaucoma can make reading difficult, by limiting vision so that only one word can be read at a time.
* If undiagnosed or untreated, glaucoma can cause permanent, irreversible damage to the eye.
* Regular eye exams are important for detection and early treatment. Testing should begin as early as age 35.
* Glaucoma rarely triggers symptoms in its earliest and most treatable stages.

Health Tip: Pacifier Safety

A pacifier can help keep your baby calm and happy between feedings. While pacifiers are generally safe, it's important to follow a few rules to prevent accidents.

Here are some suggestions, courtesy of the University of Michigan Health System:

* Never try to produce a homemade pacifier -- only use commercially approved, one-piece pacifiers.
* Use a clip designed to attach the pacifier to your baby's clothing, but never attach it with a string or any device that could strangle her.
* Only give your baby a pacifier with a hollow center. Avoid liquid-filled pacifiers, which could harbor germs.
* Never dip the pacifier in any liquid or sweet, as this can promote tooth decay.
* Wash the pacifier after each use, or if it has been dropped on the floor.
* If a pacifier has been damaged or broken, throw it away immediately.

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