Thursday, September 20, 2007

Health Tips for September 20

Health Tip: Risk Factors for Gallstones

Gallstones are formed when bile inside the gallbladder hardens into rock-like pieces. They may or may not be painful, and may have to be removed or broken apart if they're causing problems such as infection.

Here are common risk factors for gallstones, courtesy of the U.S. National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse:

* Retaining excess estrogen, from pregnancy, birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.
* Having a family history of gallstones.
* Being overweight or obese.
* Undergoing excessive, rapid weight loss, which can be characteristic of fad dieting.
* Eating a diet low in fiber and high in cholesterol and fat.
* Having diabetes.

Health Tip: Soothing Infants' Sore Gums

Babies whose teeth are growing in tend to become fussy and irritable.

Here are suggestions to help teething infants, courtesy of the Nemours Foundation:

* Give your baby something cool to chew on -- a damp rag or a teething ring that's been refrigerated. Just make sure it's big enough that she can't choke on it.
* Gently rub the gums with your finger or a damp, cool cloth.
* Ask your doctor about giving your baby children's acetaminophen. Never apply an aspirin to your baby's gums.
* Teething babies often get a rash from drooling, so gently dry her face frequently.

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