Saturday, December 26, 2009

Health Tips for December 26

Health Tip: Managing Eczema

Eczema is a condition that results in red, itchy and scaly patches of skin -- often on the scalp, forehead, face or extremities.

The American Academy of Dermatology offers these suggestions help manage the uncomfortable symptoms of eczema:

  • Make an appointment with a dermatologist to confirm your diagnosis and get treatment.
  • If your doctor recommends so, use a topical prescription medication on the skin, such as a corticosteroid or a medication that affects the immune system.
  • An antihistamine also may help.
  • Ask your doctor about ultraviolet light (UV) therapy.
  • Apply a skin moisturizer.

Health Tip: Help Baby Stretch and Move

Newborns may not be able to do too much more than eat, sleep and dirty their diapers. But they do have certain reflexes and movements.

The Nemours Foundation offers these suggestions to encourage newborns' movements and coordination:

  • Allow your baby time each day to freely stretch growing arms and legs.
  • Let baby try to turn and lift the head. But be sure to support the baby's head and neck.
  • Keep a careful eye and hand on baby at all times, even a newborn, to prevent rolling or falling off of a changing table or other furniture.
  • Over time, your baby's reflexes and movements should become more deliberate and controlled.
  • Bring up to the pediatrician any concerns about baby's movement, growth, reflexes or development.

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