Friday, January 02, 2009

Health Tips for January 2

Health Tip: Eating in a Strange Land

If you're traveling abroad, you're going to be tempted to try local dishes.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers these suggestions for what to eat while in a foreign country:

  • Avoid all raw foods -- even fruits and vegetables.
  • Make sure food is served very hot and cooked thoroughly. Avoid all foods that have been sitting at room temperature for a long period.
  • Don't buy food from street vendors. Eat only at restaurants.
  • If you do eat fruits, only consume those on which you can peel the skin before eating.
  • Stay away from unpasteurized dairy products.

Health Tip: Log Your Exercise

You may have tried tracking what you eat, but how about logging your daily exercise?

Keeping tabs on your activity routine may even inspire you to do more.

The American Academy of Family Physicians offers these suggestions on what to track in your exercise journal:

  • Write down every physical activity that you do each day, including what you do and how long you spend doing it.
  • Don't just log going for a run or lifting weights. Everyday chores that burn calories count, too. Track activities such as cleaning and vacuuming, or even walking the dog.
  • Keep the journal with you, so you can write things down before you forget.
  • Commit to entering information in the journal every day.

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