Monday, May 09, 2011

Health Tips for May 9

Health Tip: After You Run a Marathon

Running 25 miles or more can take a major toll on your body, so it's important to take it easy after you've finished a marathon.

The Cleveland Clinic suggests what to do after you cross the finish line:

  • Continue drinking plenty of water.
  • Eat or drink carbohydrates to replenish what you've used. But don't overdo it, or you may get an upset stomach.
  • Stretch gently and walk for about an hour after the race to help minimize stiffness.
  • Ice any sore areas in 15-minute intervals throughout the rest of the day.
  • Treat yourself to a post-race massage.
  • The week after the marathon, don't run. Walk, bike or swim if you want to exercise.
  • Ease back into running, gradually increasing your distance and speed over time. Don't focus on speed for the first month or strength training for the first two weeks after the race.
  • Take time to rest, recover and heal.

Health Tip: Figure Out Why You Yawn Excessively

Everyone yawns.

But yawning too much could signal a larger medical issue.

To help your doctor pinpoint why you yawn so much, the University of Maryland Medical Center says you should track the following factors in a log:

  • When you first noticed that you were yawning, and how often you yawn.
  • The time of day that you yawn a lot, including after certain activities (such as eating or exercising).
  • Any locations that seem to trigger your yawning.
  • What seems to increase your yawning, such as insufficient sleep, changes in activity, medications or boredom.
  • Anything that helps your yawning improve.
  • Any other symptoms that accompany yawning.

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