Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Health Tips for November 25

Health Tip: Keep Bathroom Chemicals Locked Up

The bathroom may be full of potential dangers and temptations for young children.

Here are suggestions to prevent little hands from getting into bathroom chemicals or medications, courtesy of the National Safety Council:

  • Always keep drugs stored in a medicine cabinet that is secured with a lock or child-proof latch.
  • All medications should have a child-proof cap, and make sure it is secure and tight.
  • Mouthwash may contain alcohol, which even in small amounts can be dangerous for children. Keep mouthwash away from a child's reach.
  • When throwing away expired or unused medications, make sure the containers are secure and cannot be opened by children.
  • Store toilet cleaners -- which often contain toxic chemicals -- in a locked area that children cannot reach.
Health Tip: Harmful Chemicals in Your Home

Common household products for cleaning, cooking and doing other chores can contain potentially dangerous chemicals.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services lists these safety tips for household products:

  • Check all products for warnings before use, and always follow instructions on the label.
  • When you are finished using a product, throw it away. Toss any old products that you don't need any more.
  • Make sure all potentially dangerous products are stored where children cannot reach them, and in an area with good ventilation.
  • Be especially careful with dangerous products such as paint strippers, or any other products that contain methylene chloride.
  • Be careful with chemicals around animals.
  • Pay attention to clothes that have been drycleaned. If you notice a strong chemical smell, take it back and ask that it be cleaned or dried again.

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