Friday, December 07, 2007

Health Tips for December 7

Health Tip: End-of-Life Planning

Caregivers assume a host of vital responsibilities, but an easily neglected or often-avoided task is end-of-life planning.

Here are some suggestions, courtesy of the American Academy of Family Physicians:

* Be sure that your loved one makes advance directives, including instructions on what kinds of medical services he or she wants (or doesn't want) if unable to communicate.
* Talk to your loved one about receiving hospice care, which can help provide comfort as a disease or condition progresses.
* Be sure the person's finances are in order. Review the will, life insurance policy, and other legal documents with an attorney.
* Make funeral arrangements, according to your loved one's wishes.

Health Tip: Bruises May Signal Health Problems

While bruises are a common result of minor injury, frequent or easy bruising may signal a more serious health problem.

Here are warning signs, from the University of Cincinnati's Net Wellness program, that you may need to discuss your tendency to bruise with your doctor:

* If you bruise often without a significant injury, or you can't remember how you got bruised.
* If frequent bruises include raised lumps.
* If you get frequent, excessive nosebleeds.
* If you have abnormally heavy menstrual periods.
* If you had excessive bleeding after surgery or childbirth.
* If you have a family history of bleeding disorders.

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