Sunday, December 02, 2007

Health Tips for December 2

Health Tip: Buying Athletic Shoes

Properly fitted athletic shoes are an essential part of every workout. But finding the right shoe could be a challenge.

Here are some guidelines, courtesy of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons:

* Because feet swell with activity, always try on athletic shoes later in the day or after a workout.
* Try on shoes with the same type of socks that you use to work out.
* Make sure you can easily wiggle your toes when the shoes are laced up, and that your heel doesn't slip as you walk.
* Try walking or running a few steps in the store to be sure the shoes are comfortable. You should not have to "break in" athletic shoes.
* Always fully lace shoes when trying them on, as you would to work out.
* If you work out frequently, buy a shoe specific to the sport or exercise that you perform.

Health Tip: People With Cancer Can Exercise

Not everyone recovering from cancer is physically or mentally able to exercise.

For those who want to try, with a doctor's consent, the American Cancer Society offers these possible benefits of regular exercise:

* Maintain and improve physical strength and balance, as well as muscle tone.
* Improve circulation and reduce risk of blood clots.
* Reduce risk of heart disease.
* Decrease nausea, fatigue, anxiety and depression.
* Maintain and improve independence.
* Increase social activity and contact.
* Improve self-esteem.

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