Friday, January 29, 2010

Health Tips for January 29

Health Tip: Spot the Signs of TMJ

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, affecting the jaw, are commonly triggered by grinding or clenching the teeth.

The Nemours Foundation says TMJ disorders frequently have these symptoms:

  • Pain of muscle spasms in the facial muscles, the jaw joint, in or around the ear, shoulders or neck.
  • Painful chewing, yawning or talking.
  • Unusual sounds when opening or closing the mouth, such as clicking or popping noises.
  • Problems biting or chewing.
  • The jaw "locking up."
  • Difficulty hearing or ringing in the ears, feeling dizzy, or having headaches.

Health Tip: Does Your Child Grind the Teeth?

Bruxism is used to describe grinding the teeth or clenching the jaws, especially while asleep or under stress.

In many cases, the teeth aren't damaged, although some kids who grind may have headaches or earaches.

The Nemours Foundation offers this list of bruxism's possible warning signs:

  • Your child makes a grinding sound while asleep.
  • Your child's jaw or face is sore in the morning.
  • Your child sucks the thumb.
  • Your child bites the fingernails.
  • Your child has signs of biting on the inside of the cheek.
  • Your child frequently chews on items such as toys or pencils.

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