Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Health Tips for June 10

Health Tip: Protect Yourself From Pesticides

Pesticides may help rid your home of unwelcome visitors. But the fact that they're designed to kill specific creatures or germs means that people and pets also should limit exposure to these products.

The U.S. National Safety Council offers these suggestions:

  • When purchasing pesticides, stick to those that are registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Carefully follow the instructions on pesticide packaging. Never use pesticides for anything other than their intended use, or use more of the products than is recommended.
  • Use pesticides designed specifically for the pest you want to eliminate.
  • If you don't use all of the product, make sure you safely store or get rid of the remainder.
  • Only use pesticides in well-ventilated places. Keep the area ventilated long after the product is used.
  • If possible, use pesticide methods that don't include chemicals.

Health Tip: Use a Ladder Properly

If it's time to do some work on your roof, a refresher on ladder safety is of high importance.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offers these suggestions:

  • Don't sit on the shelf or top rung of the ladder. Most likely, it won't support your weight.
  • Don't use more ladder than you need. Only use an extension ladder for really tall jobs, and opt for a utility ladder or sturdy step stool for lower-height projects.
  • Pay attention when pulling or pushing anything while you're on a ladder. These motions can make it easier for you to lose your balance and fall.
  • Don't reach too far or lean off the ladder; it's safer to get off the ladder and center it closer to where you need to be.
  • Climb up the middle of the ladder (don't lean toward either side) while another person steadies it from the ground.

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