Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Health Tips for July 23

Health Tip: Prevent Jet Lag

Jet lag can dampen the fun of any trip when your body struggles to adjust to a new time zone.

The American Academy of Family Physicians offers these suggestions to prevent jet lag:

* Start your trip well-rested. Make sure you get plenty of sleep before your trip.
* Avoid alcohol and overeating.
* Eat healthy meals.
* Get as much exercise as possible.
* Avoid sleep medications. If you use them, don't take them for more than a few days.
* Follow the schedule of the time zone you are in. Eat meals and go to bed when the locals do.

Health Tip: Take a Short Nap

While a full night's sleep is vital to good health, stamina and alertness, a short nap also can do wonders for your mood and performance.

The National Sleep Foundation offers these suggestions for good napping:

* Limit the nap to 20 minutes to 30 minutes. This shouldn't leave you feeling groggy or interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night.
* Make sure you have a good sleep environment. Choose a cool, dark and quiet room to help you fall asleep and have a restful nap.
* Choose the right time to nap. Your body may not be ready for more sleep if it's early in the day, while napping too late can cause problems falling asleep at bedtime.

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