Saturday, May 17, 2008

Health Tips for May 17

Health Tip: Preparing Your Pet for Baby

Bringing a new baby into your home where your family pet is already settled can be an adjustment for your furry family members.

The American Pregnancy Association lists these suggestions to help prepare your pet for the smooth arrival of your new baby:

* Address issues now that you think may cause problems when the baby arrives.
* Try establishing new routines before the baby arrives so that the pet is already adjusted to your change in activities.
* If you have a dog, teach him which toys are for him, and which are off-limits.
* Understand that your pet may be jealous of the attention you give to the baby, so make sure that you give him plenty of love and affection, too.
* Never leave your baby alone in the room with a dog -- make sure someone always supervises them together.
* Talk to your veterinarian about ways to make these changes easier for your pet.

Health Tip: Poison Ivy Rash

Poison ivy is a plant that can cause a red, itchy rash on the skin.

The American Academy of Family Physicians offers these tips to treat the rash. It also identifies signs that you may need a doctor's attention:

* Try over-the-counter medications to control itching, such as an antihistamine (like Benadryl), calamine lotion and hydrocortisone creams.
* Take oatmeal baths to soothe the skin.
* Fevers of over 100 degrees Fahrenheit require a doctor's attention.
* Rashes that cover the eyes, mouth, genitals or a large area across the body should be treated by a doctor.
* If pus is oozing from the rash, see your doctor.
* See your doctor if the rash does not improve.

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