Saturday, January 19, 2008

Health Tips for January 19

Health Tip: Douching Isn't Recommended

Douching is a method of cleansing the female genitalia with a fluid mixture, often of water.

According to the U.S. National Women's Health Information Center, douching is generally not recommended by doctors, as it can adversely affect the body's natural balance of bacteria.

The agency offers these additional potential side effects of douching:

* Irritation of the vagina.
* An infection called bacterial vaginosis.
* Increased risk of sexually transmitted disease or pelvic inflammatory disease.
* Vaginal infections that could spread to other parts of the female reproductive system.

Health Tip: Extreme Shyness

Many people are shy, but extreme shyness or fear in social situations may signal a condition called social anxiety disorder.

Social anxiety disorder can be controlled with therapy, medication or a combination of both. Here are some characteristics that help to identify the disorder, courtesy of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health:

* Feeling excessively self-conscious while around others.
* An intense, debilitating fear of being embarrassed, watched or judged by others.
* Physical symptoms of extreme anxiety, including sweating, nausea, shaking and sweating.
* Significant difficulty speaking around others, or forgetting what to say.

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