Saturday, October 06, 2007

Health Tips for October 6

Health Tip: Dyslexia in Adults

Dyslexia is a common learning disability in which a person may have difficulty reading, spelling and interpreting words. It's often diagnosed during childhood, when a child is learning to read and write.

However, dyslexia can continue to make reading and writing difficult in adults who did not receive help in childhood.

The International Dyslexia Association lists these common symptoms of dyslexia in adults:

* Avoiding or hiding problems with reading and writing.
* Poor spelling.
* Problems with time management and organizational skills.
* Often relying on memory and speaking skills rather than reading and writing.
* Holding a job well below one's intellectual ability.

Health Tip: Prevent Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection, often found in public locker rooms and showers, or anywhere else that is damp, dark and warm.

Here are suggestions to help prevent athlete's foot, courtesy of the American Podiatric Medical Association:

* Don't walk barefoot in public areas like pools, showers, locker rooms or dressing rooms. Always wear flip flops or some kind of shower shoes.
* Before putting on shoes, sprinkle the feet with talcum powder to keep them dry.
* Wear shoes that allow air to circulate so that your feet stay drier.
* Wear thick, absorbent socks that keep your feet dry, and change them at least daily.

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