Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Breast Cancer Awareness

by Meredy - Nurse Tips Guru

Breast cancer rates are higher now than they have ever been with approximately 150,000 new cases and over 40,000 deaths annually. 99% of people who develop breast cancer are women. Most women with breast cancer range in age from 30 to 80. In fact, the majority of breast cancer cases -- about 80% -- occur in women age 50 and up.

A woman`s risk increases as she ages. At age 30, your risk of getting breast cancer is only one in 5,900. By age 40, the number rises to one in 1,200. By age 50, your odds are one in 590. And women who live to age 95 have a one in eight chance of developing the disease.

One of the most important things a woman can do for health is to perform a monthly breast self-examination [BSE]. You`ll find information on how to properly perform a BSE below.


Breast Self Examination (BSE) should be done every month.

When to do BSE:
* If you still menstruate (have your period) the best time is two or three days after your period ends. These are the days when your breasts are least likely to be tender or swollen.
* If you no longer menstruate, pick the same day of every month. It will be easy to remember.
* If you take hormones, check with your doctor about the best time for your BSE.

Facing a mirror

Standing before a mirror to look for asymmetry in breast size, nipple inversion, bulging, or dimpling is the preferred method to maximize visualization. Note any skin or nipple changes, such as a hard knot or nipple discharge.

Inspect breasts in the following 4 steps:
* Arms at sides
* Arms overhead
* Hands on hips - Press firmly to flex chest muscles.
* Bending forward

Lying down

Right breast
* Place a pillow under your right shoulder.
* Put your right hand under your head.
* Check the entire breast area with the finger pads of your left hand.
* Use small circles and follow an up-and-down pattern.
* Use light, medium, and firm pressure over each area of the breast.
* Feel the breast with the surfaces of the second, third, and fourth fingers, moving systematically and using small, circular motions from the nipple to the outer margins.
* Gently squeeze the nipple for any discharge.

Left breast
* Repeat these steps on your left breast using your right hand.

In the shower

Breast self-examination (BSE) can easily be performed during bathing or showering, because some women discover breast masses when their skin is moist.
* Raise your right arm.
* With soapy hands and fingers flat, check your right breast.
* Use the same small circles and up-and-down pattern described earlier.
* Repeat on the left breast.

For further information on breast cancer, visit The National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations [NABCO] at http://www.nabco.org

NABCO is the leading non-profit information and education resource on breast cancer and a network of nearly 400 member organizations, agencies and organizations in the United States breast cancer community that deliver detection, diagnosis, treatment, support and care.

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