Sunday, May 15, 2005

Health Headlines - May 15

Shattered Eyeglasses Putting Kids at Risk

One out of every five eyeglass-related injuries occurs in children aged 2 to 17 years, according to a new analysis of the more than 26,000 such injuries treated in U.S. emergency rooms in 2002 and 2003.

Steady Gains Made Against Digestive Cancers

Researchers are fine-tuning chemotherapy regimens for cancers of the digestive tract, and new studies show the effort is paying off.

Existing Drugs May Protect Against Certain Cancers

Some existing drugs, including statins, may be taking on a more important role in the prevention of different forms of cancer, new research suggests.

Metabolic Syndrome Plagues Some Who Survive Testicular Cancer

In some ways, a measure of success sought by cancer doctors is to see their patients live long enough to develop other health problems.

Breast Cancer Drug Could Benefit Prostate

A new study gives encouraging signs that a hormonal drug used to fight breast cancer might help prevent abnormal prostate growths from turning into cancers.

New data strengthens confidence in Dendreon drug

A prostate cancer vaccine whose life-extending benefits had been questioned does seem to in fact to work, researchers said on Saturday.

Statins help prevent breast cancer, study finds

Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins can prevent breast cancer, researchers told a conference on Saturday, meaning the already widely used drugs can prevent not only heart disease but range of cancers.

Chemo helps surgery in hard-to-treat cancers

Chemotherapy can shrink a tumor before surgery in certain hard-to-cure cancers, helping patients survive longer, researchers reported on Saturday.

Breast cancer drug may help prostate - study

A drug used to treat breast cancer may also help prostate cancer from developing in men who have precancerous lesions, researchers reported on Saturday.

Study: Drugs Cutting Breast Cancer Risk

The risk of dying from breast cancer has been falling rapidly for the past 15 years mainly because the drugs used to treat the disease have been effective at stopping the cancer from returning, according to a major new analysis.

Summary: Drug Could Benefit Prostate

EARLY GROWTHS: As many as 50,000 men each year are diagnosed with abnormal prostate growths, which have a 65 percent chance of becoming cancer in two years.

Weight Watchers tops Consumer Reports diet ratings

Americans looking to shed those extra pounds should choose Weight Watchers International Inc. over low-carbohydrate rival the Atkins Diet, according to the latest issue of Consumer Reports magazine.

Genentech prostate cancer drug fails trial

An experimental prostate cancer drug being developed by Genentech Inc. failed to prove effective in a mid-stage trial and is not worth pursuing as a single agent, clinical researchers said in information presented on Saturday.

Food Fact:
Sounds shellfishy...

Think you should avoid shrimp because it's high in cholesterol? Think again... All shellfish are low in fat, have almost no saturated fat, and fit squarely into a heart-healthy diet when boiled, steamed, grilled or pan-seared. The one no-no is ordering it fried, which boosts the fat totals way higher than they need to be.

Fitness Tip of the day:
Butt buster.

Want one exercise that works five major muscle groups? We've got it! Try squats, which work your quads, hamstrings, glutes, abs and lower back -- and you can do them anywhere. To increase resistance, add dumbbells or barbells to your reps.

FAQ of the day:
What are the most cancer-protective vegetables?

In population surveys, the following categories seem to be the the most cancer-protective: Raw vegetables, alliums (onions, garlic), carrots, green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables and tomatoes.

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