Friday, April 29, 2005

Health Headlines - April 29

Vitamin D, Calcium Supplements Don't Cut Fracture Risk for Elderly

Vitamin D and calcium supplements appear to have no effect in preventing elderly people from getting fractures, according to the results of two major studies released Wednesday night.

Health Tip: Is Your Baby Colicky?

If your baby is crying a lot, you should call your doctor. Your pediatrician will want to check your baby to make sure there is no medical reason for the crying.

Health Tip: Are Corns and Calluses Causing Pain?

You ask a lot of your feet. You cram them into shoes that often don't fit well or are uncomfortable, subjecting your skin to friction and pressure. Skin protects itself by building up corns and calluses -- thick, hardened layers of tissue.

Campaign Hopes to End Disparities in Breast Cancer Care

A grassroots campaign has been launched to increase awareness that breast cancer death rates for minority women in the United States are higher than for white women, and to ensure equal access to quality care for all women.

Pregnancy and Epilepsy Cause Tough Choices

Pregnant women with epilepsy face a difficult decision: to continue treatment with anti-epileptic drugs and risk birth defects or stop taking the drugs and risk uncontrolled seizures that can harm the fetus, contends a report in the journal Epilepsia.

Autism: New Insights But Cure Still an Elusive Goal

Autism is a confusing and frustrating developmental disorder, one that is hard to diagnose, hard to treat and impossible to cure.

Design of HIV Vaccines May Have Been Faulty

New information about how HIV evades the body's immune system may lead to more effective approaches to creating a vaccine, says a Duke University Medical Center study.

U.S. Adds New Mosquito Repellents

The U.S. government has introduced the element of choice into mosquito repellents.

Liver May Be Prime Source of Good Cholesterol

About 80 percent of the "good" high-density lipoprotein cholesterol produced by the body comes from the liver -- a finding that may lead to new ways to increase HDL levels, new research suggests.

Weighing Risks, Benefits of Prescription Drugs

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been faulted by some critics for waiting too long to take drugs off the market that carry potentially dangerous side effects.

Cyclosporine Linked to Return of Liver Tumors

High levels of the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporine may lead to the return of tumors in liver cancer patients who've had a liver transplant, says a new Italian study.

HRT Poses Yet Another Health Dilemma

A new British report presents women with a potentially cruel choice if they want to use hormone replacement therapy to ease the symptoms of menopause: The kind of therapy that does not increase the risk of breast cancer does increase the risk of endometrial cancer.

Weight in Middle Age Linked to Cognitive Trouble in Old Age

Excess poundage in midlife could spell cognitive trouble in your golden years, claims a large new study that links obesity to dementia.

Food Fact:
Sap to it!

Guess how many gallons of raw sap it takes to make 1 gallon of pure maple syrup?

Fitness Tip of the day:
Eat your veggies.

Listen to your mom; veggies will enhance your workout.

FAQ of the day:
What is mesclun?

Mesclun is an assortment of baby lettuce leaves, usually prewashed. The mix may be expensive, but there's no waste. It's so convenient you may find yourself eating a mesclun salad with every meal.

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